Tipson Organic Beauty SHAPE UP Green Tea in Sachets 25 x 1.5 g



Tipson's "Shape Up" collection from the 100% organic Tipson Organic Beauty line is designed for those who want to take care of their weight and well-being.
This unique blend of green tea with added wild rose, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, and fennel combines ingredients renowned for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine.
Green tea accelerates metabolism and has fat-burning properties due to the content of polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate, which aids in fat-burning processes.
The organic "Shape Up" tea blend is not only a delicious pleasure but also a support for those aiming to maintain ideal weight and good form.
Indulge in daily moments of relaxation and care for your body with this exceptional Tipson Organic Beauty tea.

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Individually packed sachets to preserve the full aroma in each cup.

Ingredients: organic green tea from various regions (40%), organic wild rose fruit (15%), organic rosemary (15%), organic ginger (10%), organic cinnamon (10%), and organic fennel (10%).

Ginger is a natural thermogenic, stimulating heat production and accelerating metabolism. It also affects the production of bile and digestive juices.

Rosemary, rich in carnosic acid, inhibits the formation of fat cells, while cinnamon, like ginger, acts as a thermogenic and facilitates the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Fennel acts as a body cleanser, aiding digestion, and reducing the feeling of hunger.